Our account for Timetoast has been set up. User Name: historyyr6 Password: victoriapoint. Feel free to use as your scaffold for your historical narrative. When you log in select the create button and save as your name.
Look at the camera angles below- people take different shots using these angle to give meaning. Find a picture and post it showing an angle- explain the meaning.
We will examine this story which explains when Lebanese immigrant Sam Haddad migrated to Australia. He encountered ignorance and racism but overtime he learned the value of mateship and tolerance and began to love his adopted country.
We will look at key elements in our retrieval chart to evaluate this multimodal resources. We will leave comments on keys features we will be looking to include in our creations.
We discussed today what multi-modal texts are and possible key components. A historial narrative is a story of historical events. It is like biography or autobiography. The people and the places are true, but it is presented like a story. There is a time sequence that has feeling expressed.
Leave a comment on what key elements you need to consider in each key component that makes it effective. Consider design in multimodal texts and historical narrative features eg. Design: Text need to be clear, easy to read. Historical Narratives need to have a time sequence that can be represented with time words.